About Me
As founder and Creative Director at ICE, I craft, curate and tell stories and deliver messages graphically which cut through the noise by a wide range of of techniques and media.
I’m skilled at constructing and expressing stories and messages visually, that engage with people, move and motivate them toward better.
I express messages and stories in ways which cut through and engage audiences through a wide range of visual techniques, from traditional on and offline graphic design, graphic scribing, experience design, 3D Design animation, video editing, whether a logo or icon, signage, packaging, experiences, scribes, brochures, campaigns, wall art and much, much more.
why the graphic apostle
it fits who i am and what i'm gifted to do
‘Graphic’ – to give ‘A Clear And Effective Picture; Vivid: A Graphic Account’ pertaining to the use of visual language, to depict and express visually.
‘Apostle’ – commissioned to engage people and communicate a story/message in order to achieve a mission.a function – act as envoys, delegates, representatives and deliverers of the message,
I'm on a mission to change the world...
I think it was Paul Rand who once said, “Design will change the world…long pause… right after rock and roll does”. Well he was talking tongue in cheek, Where as, I believe design it all of its many colours, plays such a significant role in shaping our world and how we experience it with so much potential to change it for the better of everyone.
My faith plays a key role in my life, it shapes my ability to empathise with audiences and advocate for them to create design that engages and is usable for its set purpose, I’m driven by this love to deliver my best every time. As Vanilla ICE once said, “Anything less than the best is a Felany.”